Transact and store cryptocurrencies with the ultimate privacy and security viaTelegram.

Trade crypto on Telegram with no KYC, restrictions, or hassles.
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What we Provide

Safety and Confidentiality

Protect your coins using C3XBOT. Our innovative technology will give you a wallet with numerous security layers and encryption. Coins entering the system undergo a rigorous Artificial Intelligence (AI) process which guarantees privacy and security.

Superior Technics

Our system lets you cut the chain and remain anonymous to stop coin tracking. We appreciate the desire to remain anonymous and support the purpose of digital currencies.

AML screening

Ability for conducting an AML risk check on any address (anti-money laundering)

Popular Resources

In terms of currencies, the service is compatible with USDT, USDC, BTC, ETH, LTC, BNB, TRX.

How may be used?

Crypto wallet

Cryptocurrency exchange


AML compliance


Cryptocurrency exchange

Use this calculation form for your work.

You get

So, What's the Latest

Funding Strategy

Investigate C3xBot's appealing features, which include deposit flexibility in BTC, ETH, and USDT. Begin your investment journey with 30-360 day time frames based on prominent cryptocurrencies. In the world of C3xBot, you will find flexibility and opportunity.


30 Days = 5.5%90 Days = 6.6%180 Days = 14%360 Days = 19%


30 Days = 5.9%90 Days = 6.8%180 Days = 11%360 Days = 14%


30 Days = 5.5%90 Days = 5.5%180 Days = 11%360 Days = 11%
0.00000000 APR

Converting cryptocurrencies to stablecoins automatically

You can instantly change your incoming cryptocurrency to any other coin by Automatic Conversions.

The mechanics of it

  • Users can use their C3XBOT Exchange account to move cryptocurrency funds into other accounts in accordance with the transaction instructions that are set when they send a payment.
Confining Orders to Their Maximum

With limit orders, you can buy or sell at any time and have all or portion of your order executed at the price you specify. The already generated order can be canceled at any time in this case.

Experience the advantages of C3XBOT by completing your first transaction right now.

Have some questions?

Message us on Telegram if you have any questions or suggestions.

We will be happy to help you.


The C3XBOT Crypto Exchange platform facilitates the secure acquisition and disposal of cryptocurrencies, ensuring both privacy and high levels of security.

© Copyright 2021 C3xBot Inc. All rights reserved.